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Winners of the Project Life-Carpet Cleaning Contest… A Video on What Project Life-Carpet Cleaning IS (And a Bunch of Other Stuff)

    Blog Post Linked to in day 4 Email: (EDIT HIGHLIGHTED STUFF BEFORE PRE LAUNCH)

    Winners of the Project Life-Carpet Cleaning Contest… A Video on What Project Life-Carpet Cleaning IS (And a Bunch of Other Stuff)


    Hey, it’s John here, and I’m getting ready to open the doors to Project Life-Carpet Cleaning today (Tuesday) . . . at 1:30 Pacific (4:30 Eastern).


    I hope you’re getting ready to CRUSH IT with restoring your life-carpet.

    Anyway, I’ve got lots of great stuff in this blog post for you today… like… (insert post image)


    1. I’m announcing the winners of the Project Life-Carpet Cleaning Contest
    2. A short video interview by Anthony Piccolo that explains who I am and what the goal of Project Life-Carpet Cleaning is fundamentally about (at its core).
    3. Lots of other cool stuff.


    But before I get to that, I want you to know . . .


    The Main Purpose of Project Life-Carpet Cleaning

    The main purpose of project Life-Carpet Cleaning is to SHOW YOU (side-by-side with me in the trenches) a life-cleaning process that allows you to restore your life to radical, clean happiness, heal relational, emotional, spiritual, and other kinds of “life spots” from the past, get along more easily and authentically with the people you interact with, and that enables and equips you with tools and strategies to turn your desire for radical, clean happiness into your limitless life jackpot.



    Project Life-Carpet Cleaning was created after it became clear to me that . . .


    • To many people sacrifice their childhood dreams way too early and those people never restore their lives back to radical, clean happiness like they are capable of. They get stuck at one of the 3 plateaus: Stability (Occasional spot-cleaning of unwanted life spots to get them through to the next time), Survival (Spots that were gone re appear at the most in opportune times, bigger and darker), Defeated, (Person opts out of childhood dream and changes goal before its time).


    • Many people blame the Life-Carpet Manufacturer, and try different life spot removers and different professional life-carpet cleaners to make their life-carpet happy and stay CLEAN—but nothing changes because it’s not their life-carpet or mindset that’s the problem. It’s just the life-cleaning model that needs to change.


    • The life-cleaning model that many people originally buy into (ie: spot-cleaning with “I’m sorry,” “I didn’t mean too,” “It’s not my fault,” followed by justifying questionable behavior with “It’s easier to ask for forgiveness then get permission,” followed by “positive thinking and hoping and praying for a miracle of God,” followed by “Going to church,” and “Reading self help books and going to seminars,” and “Getting counseling,” etc.) is conducive to generating communication walls, relationship ceilings, fractured relationships, burn out, and more.


    • Too many principle-minded CEOs and small business owner’s life-cleaning model is the #1 force soiling their life-carpet. (I know because I’ve been there.)


    • I’m going to take a very new approach to teaching and training and I think you’ll be in for quite a few surprises.



    Anyway, Project Life-Carpet Cleaning is, quite literally, a project. And over the course of 3.8 months(give or take), I’ll be helping someone restore their life-carpet back to radical, clean happiness *alongside* YOU. So as you’re restoring, I will be too.


    In fact, I’ll be selecting the most soiled, broken, and undesirable life-carpet I can find . . . and restoring it back to radical, clean happiness. In only “5 steps.” And showing you exactly everything I’m doing.


    I won’t ONLY be *teaching* Project Life-Cleaning members how to restore a life-carpet.


    I’ll be showing them as well. (While I’m restoring, you will be also).


    I’m going to literally show you step-by-step how to restore even the most treacherous life-carpet, taking it from surviving and dark and dingy to thriving and radical, clean happiness, right before your eyes, while you’re also restoring yours.


    Anyway, In Project Life-Carpet Cleaning, I’m Going to Show You . . .


    • How to use the Restoration Roadmap to give you peace of mind so you get over your fear (of failure, wasting your time, not seeing results etc.)


    • How to use the principle driven life-cleaning formula to give you a new found ability to restore (emotional, relational, financial, spiritual and other kinds of unwanted “spots” from the past that were gone that magically re appear at the most in opportune times, bigger and darker.)



    • How to use the breakthrough results formula to give you more momentum (in restoring disposition, breaking through relationship walls, generating open lines of communication etc.)


    • How to use the vision achiever formula to give you more clarity and understanding ( how to get along more easily and authentically with people, restore at high performance levels, and cultivate restoration in others—all at the same time!)



    • And really, there’s a lot more. But you’ll find out more when I start accepting new Project Life-Carpet Cleaning members





    Who is John William Gray, And What Is Project Life-Carpet Cleaning is About


    If you’re still wondering what the hell Project Life-Carpet Cleaning is about (and who I am), this video is probably the #1 piece of launch content you should watch. Hands down. (INSERT VIDEO HERE: The opt in video about the 5 steps and the problems and solutions)


    Winners of the Project Life-Carpet Cleaning Contest Announced


    We had SO MANY ridiculously good entries for the Project Life-Carpet Cleaning contest. And thank YOU for all the amazing and thoughtful entries.


    Picking two winners was *very* difficult.


    But after lots of reading and thinking, I chose the winners around 4AM this morning.


    Anyway, if you get a chance, it would mean a lot to me if you could take a quick sec and congratulate the winners in the comments section on this page.


    Winning Entry #1: Tim Kerr

    Hey John,

    I’m a small business owner and I’m overwhelmed. Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do, my family and being a husband and dad, but my wife accuses me (rightly so) of making the business more important than our family. I’m a family man at heart, and my first love is to have a great relationship with my wife and kids. We had that connection in that capacity for a couple of years. My home life has suffered since the business started to grow, but I love my family.

    Providing for my wife and kids were a major factor in my deciding to put time, money, and energy into growing the business. When we bought our house and our first child came along 8 years ago, I decided the best thing to do was to reinvest the profit back into the business, and work more and make more money. My main reasoning was that my family depended on me for an income because my wife was no longer working. Now, I earn enough to afford our lifestyle, but my wife and I struggle to get along so we’ve been seeing a marriage counselor.

    We love each other, but we’re butting heads a lot now. I love being married, but it isn’t where I’d like it to be.

    Talking of radical, clean happiness, I want some! I want to feel good about myself as a husband, dad, and business owner. I work Monday to Saturday. I see my wife and kids for an hour in the morning and another hour or so at night, but it feels like a check list.

    Professionally speaking, I feel successful, but personally, I work longer hours on some days to avoid interacting with my wife.

    She is pregnant with our third child. I thought having another baby would help bring us together, but it’s making it more difficult.

    I’m good at growing my business, but my weakness is, I have no idea how to improve my relationship with my wife. Everything I try doesn’t heal us. I want us to get along but we argue about petty stuff.

    I am worried about the stability of my marriage. My parents got a divorce when I was a young boy. I will do whatever it takes to heal my marriage and keep my family together. Failure is not an option for me. I want to have the best relationship I can have with my wife and kids, not a broken one. I know John talks a lot about self restoration, and that is my hope. I’m not sure how to restore my life, but I know I need to.

    Well… that’s my ten cent’s worth.  Thanks for your time.



    Winning Entry #2: Robert Formety

    Hi John!

    First of all, thanks for this contest and for your dedication to making Project Life-Carpet Cleaning what it is. It’s extremely exciting to watch.

    Anyway, I’m 5 years into my second marriage, and if it keeps going the way it’s going I don’t see it lasting. We were high school sweet hearts and started dating again a couple of years after my first divorce. I had the best of both worlds. I got to be with the girl I love and build the business I love all at the same time.

    I courted her for 12 months and then we got engaged. We married one year later, bought our house, and welcomed into the world our son. Things were great until they weren’t.

    My parents got divorced when I was young. It was terrible. I don’t want this to be a pettern.

    My first marriage was rough from the start, but I was blessed with my first child. It ended in divorce after two years. Not seeing my baby girl everyday tore me to pieces. It was the hardest thing for me. I got counseling to help me get through that difficult time, but knowing I desired to remarry and have more kids, I began working on myself and business. I read self help books about relationships and hired a business coach. I did it so my next marriage would be successful, and so I could have a great relationship with my kids and new wife.

    I cringe at the thought of a second divorce. It’s my worst nightmare. I’ve tried different things to make the marriage I’m in better, but I’m at a bit of a loss right now as to how to help it, because everything I’ve tried (from counseling and self help books) tends to backfire.

    Two weeks ago, my wife let me know she we was tired ofmarriage counseling and wanted a divorce. I confided in a close friend (that is a fellow entrepreneur), that has been married and in love with the same woman for 20 + years. I want to be successful in both my personal and professional life like he is—with great relationships and memories with my wife and children.

    This is where Project Life-Carpet Cleaning comes in. I could continue “cleaning” my life by trial and error. I WILL continue to do so if I don’t get into Project Life-Carpet Cleaning. But I want my wife and me to both be happy. I want to be able to love my wife at a frequency that she actually feels loved. I want to feel successful and totally fulfilled like my buddy. I want to have a closer and deeper connection with my wife and kids. I want us to have special memories. I want them to be excited when I come home. I want to STOP the arguing, the complaining, and the “he said she said” drama. I want us to like each other as much as we say we love each other. To do that in the best and fastest manner possible, however, I need expert guidance from someone who has done what I want to do. I need guidance in reverse engineering my problem into a solution. I need training so I know what to do and how to do it. I need guidance in figuring out a strategy to follow that is in complete alignment with my goal (like I have with my business).

    My whole soul, will, and being are invested in this project. I think my passion for restoring my life to radical, clean happiness – and for life in general – could power a city. And I’ve only found this passion and dedication increasing in the time I’ve learned she is ready to call it quits. I’ll do absolutely whatever it takes to restore my life.

    (Also, eventually I’d like to be able to teach what I learn to my kids- so hopefully they won’t go through this– and so I can transfer to my children the morals, values, and beliefs that I’ve had in me since I was a young man. This is also where I need your help to set up my life-cleaning model in such a way that it works to restore every part of my life, so I can accomplish more and be the leader I was born to be.)

    Thanks so much for this opportunity,
